/* ===========================================================
* Name: selectordie.js
* Updated: 2014-07-08
* Version: 0.1.4
* Created by: Per V @ Vst.mn
* What?: The Select or Die JS
* Copyright (c) 2014 Per Vestman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* To much comments in the code. Please, I know.
* Oddny | Cogs 'n Kegs
* =========================================================== */
; (function ($) {
$.fn.selectOrDie = function (method) {
"use strict";
var $defaults = {
customID: null, // String - "" by default - Adds an ID to the SoD
customClass: "", // String - "" by default - Adds a class to the SoD
placeholder: null, // String - "" by default - Adds a placeholder that will be shown before a selection has been made
prefix: null, // String - "" by default - Adds a prefix that always will be shown before the selected value
cycle: false, // Boolean - false by default - Should keyboard cycle through options or not?
links: false, // Boolean - false by default - Should the options be treated as links?
linksExternal: false, // Boolean - false by default - Should the options be treated as links and open in a new window/tab?
size: 0, // Integer - 0 by default - The value set equals the amount of items before scroll is needed
tabIndex: 0, // integer - 0 by default
onChange: $.noop // Adds a callback function for when the SoD gets changed
$_settings = {},
$_sodFilterTimeout, $_sodViewportTimeout;
var _private = {
initSoD: function (options) {
$_settings = $.extend({}, $defaults, options);
return this.each(function (i) {
if ( !$(this).parent().hasClass("sod_select") ) {
var $select = $(this),
$settingsId = $_settings.customID ? $_settings.customID : ( $select.data("custom-id") ? $select.data("custom-id") : $_settings.customID ),
$settingsClass = $_settings.customClass ? $_settings.customClass : ( $select.data("custom-class") ? $select.data("custom-class") : $_settings.customClass ),
$settingsPrefix = $_settings.prefix ? $_settings.prefix : ( $select.data("prefix") ? $select.data("prefix") : $_settings.prefix ),
$settingsPlaceholder = $_settings.placeholder ? $_settings.placeholder : ( $select.data("placeholder") ? $select.data("placeholder") : $_settings.placeholder ),
$settingsCycle = ( $_settings.cycle || $select.data("cycle") ) ? true : $_settings.cycle,
$settingsLinks = ( $_settings.links || $select.data("links") ) ? true : $_settings.links,
$settingsLinksExternal = ( $_settings.linksExternal || $select.data("links-external") ) ? true : $_settings.linksExternal,
$settingsSize = $_settings.size ? $_settings.size : ( $select.data("size") ? $select.data("size") : $_settings.size ),
$settingsTabIndex = $_settings.tabIndex ? $_settings.tabIndex : ( $select.data("tabindex") ? $select.data("tabindex") : ( $select.attr("tabindex") ? $select.attr("tabindex") : $_settings.tabIndex ) ),
$selectTitle = $select.prop("title") ? $select.prop("title") : null,
$selectDisabled = $select.is(":disabled") ? " disabled" : "",
$sodPrefix = "",
$sodHtml = "",
$sodHeight = 0,
$sod, $sodListWrapper, $sodList;
// If there's a prefix defined
if ( $settingsPrefix ) {
$sodPrefix = "" + $settingsPrefix + " ";
// If there's a placeholder defined
if ( $settingsPlaceholder && !$settingsPrefix ) {
$sodHtml += "" + $settingsPlaceholder + " ";
else {
$sodHtml += "" + $sodPrefix + " ";
// Inserts a new element that will act like our new
$sod = $(" ", {
id: $settingsId,
"class": "sod_select " + $settingsClass + $selectDisabled,
title: $selectTitle,
tabindex: $settingsTabIndex,
html: $sodHtml,
"data-cycle": $settingsCycle,
"data-links": $settingsLinks,
"data-links-external": $settingsLinksExternal,
"data-placeholder": $settingsPlaceholder,
"data-prefix": $settingsPrefix,
"data-filter": ""
}).insertAfter( this );
// If it's a touch device
if ( _private.isTouch() ) {
// Add a wrapper for the option list
$sodListWrapper = $(" ", {
"class": "sod_list_wrapper"
// Inserts a into our wrapper created above. It will host our :s
$sodList = $(" ", {
"class": "sod_list"
// Inserts a for each
$("option, optgroup", $select).each(function (i) {
_private.populateSoD($(this), $sodList, $sod);
// If the setting size is set, then add a max-height to the SoD
if ( $settingsSize ) {
// Show the SoD options
// Calculate a max-height
$(".sod_option:lt(" + $settingsSize + ")", $sodList).each(function (i) {
$sodHeight += $(this).outerHeight();
// Hide the SoD list wrapper and set a "max-height" to the list itself
$sodList.css({"max-height": $sodHeight });
// Move the into the SoD element
$select.appendTo( $sod );
// Bind events to the SoD
$sod.on("focusin", _private.focusSod)
.on("click", _private.triggerSod)
.on("click", ".sod_option", _private.optionClick)
.on("mousemove", ".sod_option", _private.optionHover)
.on("keydown keypress", _private.keyboardUse);
// Bind change event to the
$select.on("change", _private.selectChange);
// Blur the SoD when clicking outside it
$("html").on("click", function() {
// When a label for the native select is clicked we want to focus the SoD
$(document).on("click", "label[for='" + $select.attr("id") + "']", function(e) {
else {
console.log("Select or Die: It looks like the SoD already exists");
}, // initSoD
populateSoD: function ($option, $sodList, $sod) {
var $sodPlaceholder = $sod.data("placeholder"),
$sodPrefix = $sod.data("prefix"),
$optionParent = $option.parent(),
$optionText = $option.text(),
$optionValue = $option.val(),
$optionCustomId = $option.data("custom-id") ? $option.data("custom-id") : null,
$optionCustomClass = $option.data("custom-class") ? $option.data("custom-class") : "",
$optionIsDisabled = $option.is(":disabled") ? " disabled " : "",
$optionIsSelected = $option.is(":selected") ? " selected active " : "",
$optionLink = $option.data("link") ? " link " : "",
$optionLinkExternal = $option.data("link-external") ? " linkexternal" : "";
// Create for each
if ( $option.is("option") ) { // If
$(" ", {
"class": "sod_option " + $optionCustomClass + $optionIsDisabled + $optionIsSelected + $optionLink + $optionLinkExternal,
id: $optionCustomId,
title: $optionText,
html: $optionText,
"data-value": $optionValue
}).appendTo( $sodList );
// If selected and no placeholder is set, update label
if ( $optionIsSelected && !$sodPlaceholder || $optionIsSelected && $sodPrefix ) {
// Set the SoD data-label (used in the blur event)
if ( $optionIsSelected && $sodPlaceholder && !$sodPrefix ) {
$sod.data("label", $sodPlaceholder);
else if ( $optionIsSelected ) {
$sod.data("label", $optionText);
// If child of an
if ( $optionParent.is("optgroup") ) {
// If disabled
if ( $optionParent.is(":disabled") ) {
else { // If <
$(" ", {
"class": "sod_option optgroup " + $optionIsDisabled,
title: $option.prop("label"),
html: $option.prop("label"),
"data-label": $option.prop("label")
}).appendTo( $sodList );
}, // populateSoD
focusSod: function () {
var $sod = $(this),
$sodInFocus = $(".sod_select.focus");
// If not disabled we'll add focus (and blur other active SoD's)
if ( !$sod.hasClass("disabled") ) {
else {
}, // focusSod
triggerSod: function (e) {
var $sod = $(this),
$sodList = $sod.find(".sod_list"),
$sodPlaceholder = $sod.data("placeholder"),
$optionSelected = $sod.find(".selected");
// Trigger the SoD if it's not disabled, already open or a touch device
if ( !$sod.hasClass("disabled") && !$sod.hasClass("open") && !$sod.hasClass("touch") ) {
// Add the .open class to display list
// Close all other SoD's except for the current one
$(".sod_select").not(this).removeClass("open focus");
// If a placeholder is set, then show it
if ( $sodPlaceholder && !$sod.data("prefix") ) {
// Scroll list to selected item
_private.listScroll($sodList, $optionSelected);
// Check if the option list fits in the viewport
_private.checkViewport($sod, $sodList);
else {
// Clears viewport check timeout
$sod.removeClass("open above");
}, // triggerSod
keyboardUse: function (e) {
var $sod = $(this),
$sodList = $sod.find(".sod_list"),
$sodOptions = $sod.find(".sod_option"),
$sodLabel = $sod.find(".sod_label"),
$sodCycle = $sod.data("cycle"),
$optionActive = $sodOptions.filter(".active"),
$sodFilterHit, $optionNext, $optionCycle, $scrollList, $scrollOption;
// "Filter" options list using keybaord based input
if ( e.which !== 0 && e.charCode !== 0 ) {
// Clears data-filter timeout
// Append the data-filter with typed character
$sod.data("filter", $sod.data("filter") + String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode|e.charCode));
// Check for matches of the typed string
$sodFilterHit = $sodOptions.filter(function() {
return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf($sod.data("filter").toLowerCase()) === 0;
}).not(".disabled, .optgroup").first();
// If the typed value is a hit, then set it to active
if ( $sodFilterHit.length ) {
_private.listScroll($sodList, $sodFilterHit);
$sodLabel.get(0).lastChild.nodeValue = $sodFilterHit.text();
// Set a timeout to empty the data-filter
$_sodFilterTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
$sod.data("filter", "");
}, 500);
// Highlight prev/next element if up/down key pressed
if ( e.which > 36 && e.which < 41 ) {
// Set $optionNext and $optionCycle
if ( e.which === 37 || e.which === 38 ) { // Left/Up key
$optionNext = $optionActive.prevAll(":not('.disabled, .optgroup')").first();
$optionCycle = $sodOptions.not(".disabled, .optgroup").last();
else if ( e.which === 39 || e.which === 40 ) { // Right/Down key
$optionNext = $optionActive.nextAll(":not('.disabled, .optgroup')").first();
$optionCycle = $sodOptions.not(".disabled, .optgroup").first();
// If there's no option before/after and cycle is enabled
if ( !$optionNext.hasClass("sod_option") && $sodCycle ) {
$optionNext = $optionCycle;
// Add .active to the next option, update the label and scroll the list
if ( $optionNext.hasClass("sod_option") || $sodCycle ) {
$sodLabel.get(0).lastChild.nodeValue = $optionNext.text();
_private.listScroll($sodList, $optionNext);
// Disables the up/down keys from scrolling the page
return false;
else if ( e.which === 13 || (e.which === 32 && $sod.hasClass("open") && $sod.data("filter") === "") ) { // Enter key or space, simulate click() function
else if ( e.which === 32 && !$sod.hasClass("open") && $sod.data("filter") === "" ) { // Space bar, Opens the SoD if already closed
else if ( e.which === 27 ) { // Esc key, hides dropdown
}, // keyboardUse
optionHover: function () {
var $option = $(this);
// Mousemove event on option to make the SoD behave just like a native select
if ( !$option.hasClass("disabled") && !$option.hasClass("optgroup") ) {
}, // optionHover
optionClick: function (e) {
var $clicked = $(this),
$sod = $clicked.closest(".sod_select"),
$optionDisabled = $clicked.hasClass("disabled"),
$optionOptgroup = $clicked.hasClass("optgroup"),
$optionIndex = $sod.find(".sod_option:not('.optgroup')").index(this);
// If not disabled or optgroup
if ( !$optionDisabled && !$optionOptgroup ) {
$sod.find(".selected, .sod_placeholder").removeClass("selected sod_placeholder");
$sod.find("select option")[$optionIndex].selected = true;
// Clear viewport check timeout
// Hide the list
$sod.removeClass("open above");
}, // optionClick
selectChange: function () {
var $select = $(this),
$optionSelected = $select.find(":selected"),
$optionText = $optionSelected.text(),
$sod = $select.closest(".sod_select");
$sod.find(".sod_label").get(0).lastChild.nodeValue = $optionText;
$sod.data("label", $optionText);
// Triggers the onChange callback
// If $_settings.links, send the user to the URL
if ( ($sod.data("links") || $optionSelected.data("link")) && !$optionSelected.data("link-external") ) {
window.location.href = $optionSelected.val();
else if ( $sod.data("links-external") || $optionSelected.data("link-external") ) {
}, // selectChange
blurSod: function ($sod) {
if ( $("body").find($sod).length ) {
var $sodLabel = $sod.data("label"),
$optionActive = $sod.find(".active"),
$optionSelected = $sod.find(".selected");
// Clear viewport check timeout
// Check the $sod for changes. If the user has used his keys when the SoD was closed
// we'll set the currently active option to selected. If the user used his keys when
// the SoD was open but didn't make a selection, then we'll restore the SoD
if ( $sod.hasClass("focus") && !$sod.hasClass("open" ) ) {
else if ( !$optionActive.hasClass("selected") ) {
$sod.find(".sod_label").get(0).lastChild.nodeValue = $sodLabel;
// Remove above/open class
$sod.removeClass("open focus above");
}, // blurSod
checkViewport: function ($sod, $sodList) {
var $sodPosition = $sod[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
$sodListHeight = $sodList.outerHeight();
// If the list is below the viewport AND fits above, then show it above
if ( ($sodPosition.bottom + $sodListHeight + 10) > $(window).height() && ($sodPosition.top - $sodListHeight) > 10 ) {
else {
// This was fun, lets do it again and again.
$_sodViewportTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
_private.checkViewport($sod, $sodList);
}, 200);
}, // checkViewport
listScroll: function ($sodList, $option) {
var $scrollList = $sodList[0].getBoundingClientRect(), // getBoundingClientRect FTW!
$scrollOption = $option[0].getBoundingClientRect();
// Scroll list up and down
if ( $scrollList.top > $scrollOption.top ) {
$sodList.scrollTop($sodList.scrollTop() - $scrollList.top + $scrollOption.top);
} else if ( $scrollList.bottom < $scrollOption.bottom ) {
$sodList.scrollTop($sodList.scrollTop() - $scrollList.bottom + $scrollOption.bottom);
}, // listScroll
isTouch: function () {
return (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.MaxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0));
} // isTouch
var methods = {
destroy: function () {
return this.each(function (i) {
var $select = $(this),
$sod = $select.parent();
// Destroy the SoD
if ( $sod.hasClass("sod_select") ) {
// Unbind the change event on the real
// Restore DOM
} else {
console.log("Select or Die: There's no SoD to destroy");
}, // destroy
update: function () {
return this.each(function (i) {
var $select = $(this),
$sod = $select.parent(),
$sodList = $sod.find(".sod_list:first");
// Check for the SoD
if ( $sod.hasClass("sod_select") ) {
// Empty current list of options in faux
// Clear the label (but keep prefix)
$sod.find(".sod_label").get(0).lastChild.nodeValue = "";
// Disable the SoD if the select is disabled
if ( $select.is(":disabled") ) {
// Inserts a for each
$("option, optgroup", $select).each(function (i) {
_private.populateSoD($(this), $sodList, $sod);
} else {
console.log("Select or Die: There's no SoD to update");
}, // update
disable: function ($value) {
return this.each(function (i) {
var $select = $(this),
$sod = $select.parent();
// Check for the SoD
if ( $sod.hasClass("sod_select") ) {
if ( typeof $value !== "undefined" ) { // Disable option/optgroup
// Disables the option (and possible children if optgroup) in the SoD
$sod.find(".sod_list:first .sod_option[data-value='" + $value + "']").addClass("disabled");
$sod.find(".sod_list:first .sod_option[data-label='" + $value + "']").nextUntil(":not(.groupchild)").addClass("disabled");
// Disables the option/optgroup in the real
$("option[value='" + $value + "'], optgroup[label='" + $value + "']", this).prop("disabled", true);
} else if ( $sod.hasClass("sod_select") ) { // Disable select/SoD
$select.prop("disabled", true);
} else {
console.log("Select or Die: There's no SoD to disable");
}, // disable
enable: function ($value) {
return this.each(function (i) {
var $select = $(this),
$sod = $select.parent();
// Check for the SoD
if ( $sod.hasClass("sod_select") ) {
if ( typeof $value !== "undefined" ) { // Enable option/optgroup
// Enables the option (and possible children if optgroup) in the SoD
$sod.find(".sod_list:first .sod_option[data-value='" + $value + "']").removeClass("disabled");
$sod.find(".sod_list:first .sod_option[data-label='" + $value + "']").nextUntil(":not(.groupchild)").removeClass("disabled");
// Enables the option in the real
$("option[value='" + $value + "'], optgroup[label='" + $value + "']", this).prop("disabled", false);
} else if ( $sod.hasClass("sod_select") ) { // Enable select/SoD
$select.prop("disabled", false);
} else {
console.log("Select or Die: There's no SoD to enable");
} // enable
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if ( typeof method === "object" || !method ) {
return _private.initSoD.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error("Select or Die: Oh no! No such method \"" + method + "\" for the SoD instance");